
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Potato Salad with Horseradish

I know this is radical to think of cold potatoes instead of hot on Christmas, but horseradish goes SO well, and is a "natch" with Prime Rib!!
(serves 4)

1&1/2 lbs. new potatoes
1/2 cup sour cream or plain Greek yogurt*
3 T. horseradish, peeled and finely grated
Pinch of paprika
1/2 t. honey
Kosher* salt and freshly ground black pepper
Bunch of scallions or chives
Handful of flat-leaf* parsley

Wash the potatoes, but do not peel. Boil in salted water until tender. Meanwhile, make the dressing. Combine the sour cream with the horseradish, paprika, and honey. Mix well and season with S&P. Trim the scallions and slit down the stocks so they curl outwards or finely chop the chives. When the potatoes are cooked, slice them while still hot and mix into the dressing with the parsley. Garnish with the onions or chives. Actually, you can serve them still warm, or chill and serve cold.

"I am Strong. I am Resilient. I Try my Best. I Value my Life. I am not Perfect, I am the Perfect Me. I am empathetic. I am a warrior, ready to conquer. I am not Broken. I am Loving. I Take Things One Day at a Time. I am Independent. I'm Human. I am a Survivor."

Stay Well, I am working my way back to that state from a bout with Bronchitis!!



1 comment:

  1. Heard Jane and Diane C. talking about how terrible you sounded. Hope each day brings you closer to good health. It is so good to see Elaine recovering so nicely. The same for you. Sue V.
