
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Cranberry-glazed Brie

A bonus one today cuz it sounds so spectacular, and is a wonderful coupling of contrasting tastes, colors, and texture!!
(serves 12)

Cranberry marinade:
3 cups fresh* cranberries
1/4 cup firmly packed golden brown sugar
1/4 cup dried currants
1/3 cup water
1/8 t. dry mustard
1/8 t. ground allspice
1/8 t. ground cardamom
1/8 t. ground cloves
1/8 t. ground ginger

1 2.2 lb. Brie cheese wheel (8" diameter)

Granny Smith apple slices (squeeze lemon juice over to keep from browning*)
Pear slices (the same lemon treatment*)
Thin slices of a baguette*

For the marmalade: Combine all ingredients in a heavy nonaluminum saucepan. Cook over med.-high heat until most of the berries pot, stirring frequently, about 5 mins. Cool mixture to room temp. (Can be prepared 3 days ahead - cover tightly and refrigerate.)

For cheese: Using a sharp knife, cut circle in top rind of cheese, leaving 1/2" border of rind. Carefully remove center circle of rind from cheese. Do not cut through side rinds. Place cheese in 8" diameter ceramic baking dish or on a cookie sheet lined with foil. Spread cranberry marmalade over. (Can be prepared 6 hours ahead - cover and chill. Bring to room temp. before continuing). Preheat oven to 300. Bake cheese until soft, about 12 mins. Set cheese on a large platter. Surround with crackers, fruit and bread slices. Serve warm or at room temp.

"You can be gorgeous at 30. Charming at 40. And irresistible for the rest of your life." ~ Coco Chanel



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