
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Cheese Crisp Tacos with Pineapple Kiwi Fruit Salsa

"Crispy melted cheese forms these cheese crisp tacos with pineapple kiwi fruit salsa inside. The bright salsa is a great contrast to the buttery, crisp cheese tuile. The perfect appetizer for any party!"
This one had me at "Cheese Crisp Tacos"!!
(makes 12-16 tuiles)

2 cups 4 shredded Mexican* cheeses

2 cups small dice pineapple, either fresh or 1 (20 oz.) can of pineapple slices in juice, diced
1/2 cup small dice kiwi (2 peeled kiwis)
1 small* jalapeno, finely diced
2 T. freshly squeezed* lime juice

Make the salsa: Mix together all of the salsa ingredients and place in an airtight container. Chill in the fridge until serving to let the flavors meld. You can easily make this a day or two in advance.

Make the Cheese Crisp Tacos: Set aside a clean mini muffin pan and heat a nonstick skillet over med.-high heat. You'll also need a plastic/silicone spatula that is heat safe (like the kind you use for cookies or cake batter). Place a pinch or 2 of the shredded cheese into a 2&1/2-3" round on your skillet. You can use the spatula to gently round out the edges, pushing any stray cheese into the circle. Don't disrupt the circle of cheese. Let the cheese melt and bubble, undisturbed, until it starts to form a gold brown crust (about 1 min.). Remove the cheese from the pan and set it between the cups of an upside down mini muffin tin, to make a taco shape. Repeat with the remaining chees, or until you have as many cheese crisp tuiles as you desire. Allow your cheese crisp tacos to cool and set completely (about 15 mins.) before filling them or removing them. To serve: Fill each cheese taco with the pineapple kiwi fruit salsla.

"Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of your life."

Have FUN today!!!



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