
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tarragon and Garlic Pepper Crusted Orange Roughy

Must be thinking a lot about fish lately.......

1/4 c. orange juice
4 fillets of orange roughly
1 T. fresh tarragon chopped
1 T. garlic pepper
Grated zest of 2 oranges minced
A squirt of lime juice
Pam Olive Oil Spray

Preheat oven to 325. Pour orange juice into a shallow baking dish. Spray fish with Pam. In mixing bowl combine tarragon, garlic pepper, minced Orange zest, and lime juice. Sprinkle mixture on top of fish, patting it lightly to form a thin crust. Bake for 20-30 mins. til fish flakes easily with a fork. ENJOY!!

Back to work today. YAY. And, Andrea is taking me to a Thai restaurant for dinner tonight. YUMOLA!!

Have FUN, and Carpe Diem!!



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