
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chicken Fruit Salad

This is from the Out of This World Cookbook II (it has a picture of a Shuttle launch on the cover) that I got when I lived in Cocoa Beach, Florida. I am SO blessed to have an association with the Space Program through my Uncle Bruce (who really IS a Rocket Scientist!!). The recipe du jour was written by Frank Borman, former astronaut, and former CEO of Eastern Airlines. He was on the Gemini 7 and Apollo 8 flights!! Cool Beans.

2 cups cooked chunked chicken
2 cups cooked macaroni
2 cup chunked cantaloupe
1/4 cup chopped celery
3/4 cup chopped seedless grapes
1/4 cup slivered almonds
1/4 cup raisins (I would omit these, and use dried cherries instead. I would also add Hearts of palm cut into circles).


1/2 cup mayo
1 t. cider vinegar
1 T. honey or sugar

Add dressing to all ingredients and mix well. Serve on a bed of lettuce, and garnish with strawberries. Serves 4-6.

We are all thinking about Wilma today.



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