
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Marinated Veggie and Dry Salami salad with a whole grain mustard vinaigrette

I alluded to this salad a few posts ago - here is my entire recipe, and what I am making today:

2-3 Hearts of Palm sliced into circles
Lots of marinated Artichoke quarters
A half a can of garbanzo beans drained and well rinsed
Minced red onion
Minced garlic
Kalamata olives sliced lengthwise
Radishes cut into slivers
Jicama cut into tiny dice
Celery - tiny dice
Persian cucumber - tiny dice
Half an Orange Pepper cut into small squares
Dry salami cut into small squares
Fresh parsley chopped
Red Wine Vinegar
Dijon's Whole Grain Mustard

Put all cut veggies and salami in a deep bowl. In a smaller mixing bowl, add red wine vinegar, parsley, garlic, mustard, and S&P. Whisk together, and while still whisking, add EVOO in a steady stream til emulsified. Pour over salad, mix, cover, chill, and savor!! Think I will get a small artisan loaf of bread from Safeway after Church to accompany. YUMOLA!!!!!!!

Happy Palm Sunday, and have FUN today.



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