
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ham-Pineapple Loaf

This one is for YOU, Curt!! I have never seen ground ham, but you need 32 oz. for this recipe (this is another from the Out of this World cookbook - maybe it is a Southern thing). You could take a ham steak to the meat dept., and ask them to put it through the grinder.

4 cups ground ham
1 20 oz. can of sliced pineapple (in its own juice)
1/2 scant cup brown sugar
1 t. horseradish mustard (or yellow, if you prefer)
1/4 t. ground ginger
1 t. cider vinegar
2 eggs
3/4 cup soft breadcrumbs
2 T. catsup
3/4 cup milk

Preheat oven to 300. Mix the bread crumbs, milk, ham, eggs, and catsup. Make 6-8 patties (the diameter of the pineapple rings). In a loaf pan, start with one pattie (on end), and alternate with pineapple slices - ending with a ham pattie. Bake for 30 mins. Make a spicy glaze with the brown sugar, mustard, ginger, and vinegar. Spread over ham loaf, and bake 1 hour longer, basting every 15 or 20 mins.

Here is a new feature to What's Cooking Today - the Editor's note: I added the ginger and horseradish mustard :).

Enjoy the beauty of this day, and get outside to have FUN!!



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