
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Herb Garden Frittata with Honey-Melon Salad with Fresh Basil

This one is for YOU, Anne!! To celebrate your new herb garden, and it is gluten free!!!
(both recipes serve 6)

12 large eggs
2 T. minced fresh chives
2 T. minced fresh flat-leaf* parsley
2 t. each minced fresh basil and oregano
1 t. kosher* salt
1/4 t. freshly* ground pepper
1/2 cup sliced picked peppers
1/2 cup crumbled goat cheese

Honey-Melon Salad with Basil:
3 cups each cubed cantaloupe and honeydew melon
2 T. honey
1 T freshly squeezed* lemon juice
1/4 t kosher* salt
1/4 t. paprika
1/4 t. freshly* ground pepper
2 T. minced fresh basil

To make the Frittata: Preheat the broiler. In a bowl, whisk eggs, herbs, S&P. In a 10" broiler safe skillet (I would use cast iron*), heat oil over med.-low heat. Pour in egg mixture. Cook covered, 10-12 mins. or until nearly set. Top with pickled peppers and cheese. Broil 4-5" from heat 3-4 mins. or until completely set. Let stand for 5 mins. Cut into wedges, and serve with the salad.

To make the Salad: Combine the cantaloupe and honeydew in a large bowl. Whisk the honey, lemon juice, S&P, and paprika in a small bowl. Add to melon. Stir in the basil and serve.

"The real joy in life is the simple things. Don't miss the gift of today!"

And, don't forget to have FUN!!!


Machete Milletti

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