
Friday, July 15, 2016

Chicken, Cider, and Smoky Bacon Puff Pie

This is another English recipe from the mag., "Olive". Sounds YUMOLA to me!!
(serves 4-6)

10&1/2 oz. unfiltered* cider (I use Braggs*)
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1&1/2 T. Kerrygold* butter
2 shallots, sliced
Smoky, uncured* bacon, 14-16 slices
2 T. flour
6&1/2 oz. low sodium* chicken broth
5&/2-6 oz. heavy whipping cream
1 T. wholegrain mustard
1/2 small bunch tarragon, chopped
1/2 small bunch flat-leaf* parsley
Kosher* salt, and freshly* ground pepper
1 egg, beaten, for glazing
10&1/2 oz. butter puff pastry

Put the cider in a wide, shallow pan, and bring to a simmer. Add the chicken, cover, and cook for 10 mins, turning halfway, then scoop out, cool, and tear or cut into chunks. Put the pan back on the heat and reduce the cider by half. Heat the butter in a separate pan, and cook the shallots until softened. Add the bacon and cook until crisped up a bit, then add the flour and stir in well. Gradually add the reduced cider and chicken stock and bring to a simmer. Add cream and simmer until thickened a but, then stir in the mustard, parsley, and tarragon. Season will with S&P. Stir the chicken into to sauce, then put into an ovenproof dish. Heat the oven to 350. Roll the pastry out to 1/4" thickness, and carefully place over pie. Brush on beaten egg. Bake for 25-30 mins. until puffed and golden.

Happy Friday, Friends!!

"Nothing is really lost by a life of sacrifice."

Have FUN today!





  2. Hi, Mattie!! Unfortunately, I can't find your post. Glad you are reading my blog, tho. Have a great weekend!!

    Machete Milletti (Deb Millett)
