
Friday, March 1, 2013

MM's Rotisserie Chicken, Pickled Beets, and Jicama Salad

I made this salad up the other day after tasting one we were demo-ing at Costco last weekend:
(serves 2)

1/2 lb. hand-shredded rotisserie chicken thigh and leg meat or you could use turkey
1/3 of a can of pickled beets, cut in small dice
Shaved red onion
3-5 jicama sticks, cut in small dice
Lemon juice
Sour Cream
Garlic salt
Freshly ground pepper
Endive spears

Mix all together and chill for flavors to blend. Serve in Endive spears along with cold red grapes, and Chile Lime Pop Chips. It was YUMOLA!!!!!!

Be KIND today, and have FUN!



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