
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hearty Chicken and Portobello Sliders

Here's a fun one as we start to think about menus for the 4th of July:

1 & 1/2 lb. ground chicken (or turkey)
2 large portobello mushroom caps, finely chopped - about 2 cups
2 T. chopped fresh lemon thyme* leaves
2 T. Worchestershire sauce
Sea salt & freshly ground pepper*
1 pkg. Pepperidge Farm Mini Sammie Buns (white or wheat)
12 small butter lettuce*leaves
12 thin red onion slices

Thorougly mix the chicken, mushrooms, Wor. sauce, S&P, and thyme. Shape into 12 - 2 & 1/2" mini burgers. Grill or broil for 8 mins., or until cooked through - turning once. Place on buns. Add herbed mayo, lettuce and onion. Huzzah!!

"Returning good for good is human. Returning good for evil is divine".

Keep on Truckin'!!



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