
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Smoked Gouda and Caramelized Onions Stuffed Turkey Burgers

I came up with this as one of the offerings on my birthday partay menu when I lived in the Cambodian house, and there none left:

1&1/2 lbs. ground turkey
Large sweet white onion, cut into strips
Smoked Gouda, sliced
Minced garlic
Freshly ground pepper
Fresh sage leaves, chopped
1 T. butter
Montreal Steak Seasoning

Shape the patties, sprinkle with the Montreal, and make sure there are two for every one finished burger. Caramelize onions in butter. Lay Gouda slices on top of bottom pattie. Top with onions, garlic, pepper, and sage. Place top pattie on and press down - making sure to seal the edges. Grill or broil. Let rest at least 5 mins. before devouring!




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