
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Marinated Olives

These tasty gems are easy to tote to a Holiday party, tailgate happening, or even given as a gift.
(serves 32)

1 orange
1 lemon
1/4 cup EVOO
2 t. red wine vinegar
5 bay leaves
4 garlic cloves
2 thyme sprigs
1 rosemary sprig
4 cups mixed black and green olives, pitted

Cut 3 (1/4" thick) slices from the orange; set aside. Squeeze the juice from the remaining orange to equal 3 T. Cut 3 (1/4" thick) slices from the lemon. Squeeze the juice from the remaining lemon to equal 1&1/2 T. Stir together the olive oil, vinegar, bay leaves, garlic, lemon and orange juices in a small saucepan; cook over. med.-low until just warmed, about 10 min. Remove from heat. Add the reserved lemon and orange slices, thyme, and rosemary. Let stand 20 min. Place the olives in a wide-mouth 1 quart jar. Pour the citrus-herb mixture oven the olives. Cover with a tight fitting lid, and chill 2 hours. Shake the jar to redistribute seasonings before serving. Store in the fridge up to 2 weeks.

"Don't try so hard to be cool It always shows, and that's uncool."



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