
Thursday, November 23, 2017

How to Carve a Turkey


I saw this in the Real Simple mag. and thought I would share it. Here is their quote: "You've bought it, stuffed it, cooked it, and now you have to carve it. If you're daunted by the task - some of the best cooks are - just remember that carving a turkey comes down to simple technique".

What you need:
Carving board
Chef's knife or slicing knife
Paper towels
Cutting board
Long flexible knife or boning knife\

Follow these steps:
1.  Remove the string - Pace the turkey on a carving board. Remove the string tying the legs together
     using the top of your chef's knife.

2.  Remove the legs and thighs - Cut through the skin that connects the breast and the drumstick.
     Slice down until you reach the joint. Using a paper towel, grab the leg and push down, separating
     the leg and thigh from the bird. Use your chef's knife to slice through the joint.

3.  Remove the drumsticks - Separate the drumstick and the thigh by cutting through the joint that
     connects them. Transfer the drumstick to a platter; set aside the thigh meat on a cutting board
     to slice later. Repeat steps 2&3 with the other leg.

4. Remove the wishbone - Find the wishbone at the ftont end of the breast. Use your fingers to
    pull it out. Removing the wishbone makes it easier to carve off the breast meat.

5. Remove the turkey breast - Find the breastbone. Position a long flexible knife or boning knife
    on one side of it, and slice downward. as close to the bone as possible. As you slice, use your
    other hand to pull the meat away from the breastbone, until you've cut the breast off the carcass in
    one piece. Transfer to the cutting board.

6. Remove the wings - Using the chef's knife, slicing through the joint to remove a wing and transfer
    to the platter. Repeat steps 5&6 on the other side.

7. Slice the thigh meat - Work on the cutting board. Holding the thigh bone with tongs or a paper
    towel, remove the meat from the bon with the edge of the chef's knife. Transfer to platter

8. Slice the breast meat - Using the tongs to steady the breast, position the meat so you'll cut it at
    its shorter length. Slice against the grain, taking care to keep skin attached. Transfer to platter.

"Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heaven! Praise Him for His
 mighty deeds; praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Praise Him with trumpet sound;
 praise Him with lute and harp. Praise Him with tambourine and dance; praise Him with strings
 and pipe! Praise Him with sounding cymbals; praise Him with loud clashing cymbals! Let
 everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" ~ Psalm 150

I am VERY grateful for all of you, Dear Readers!!


Machete Milletti (aka Chef Deb)

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