
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Chicken-Apple Burgers

I made these yesterday, and all the recipients declared them DELISH, moist, and juicy!!
(serves 4)

1 medium Granny Smith apple, finely chopped (1 cup)
1/2 small sweet* onion, finely chopped
1 T. Kerrygold* butter
1&1/4 t. poultry seasoning (if you take off the lid of yours, and there is no aroma, throw it
    out and go buy new - it has lost it punch and pazazz!!*)
1/2 t. kosher* salt
1/8 t. ground white* pepper
2 T. apple juice
1 lb. ground chicken
4 slices baby* Swiss
Honey mustard, for serving (optional*), or mayonnaise*
Butter* lettuce
4 potato* rolls

Heat grill or broiler. Melt butter in a med. skillet. Saute onions until they are soft. Let cool. In a med. bowl, mix apple, onion, poultry seasoning, apple juice, S&P. Add ground chicken; mix well. Shape into 4 patties, about 12" thick. If using a grill, oil rack, or place on broiler pan. Cook 14-20 min. or until insta-read thermometer registers 165, turning patties once (there will be a lot of liquid, drain*). Lay on the cheese slices to melt.  Remove from heat and let rest 5 min. Lightly toast cut sides of rolls, if desired, and spread with honey mustard or mayo. Place patties on bottom roll, top with lettuce, and roll top. Serve with Lay's* potato chips!

"Her hand was the hardest to hold for she found love in herself - which raised the stakes for everyone else."

To God be the Glory!!!



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