
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Deviled Burgers

This one I saw in the paper this morning def. caught my eye. Here is their quote: "Sometimes a standard burger needs a little zing! This recipe includes chili sauce, horseradish, mustard, and more."
(makes 6 large burgers or 8 med.)

2 lbs. ground chuck
2 T. chili sauce
2 T. finely minced shallot
2 T. minced flat-leaf* parsley
1 T. jarred horseradish, squeezed well to remove excess liquid
1 T. dry mustard
2 t. chili powder
1/2 t. Kosher salt
1/4 t. freshly ground pepper
Sliced or crumbed cheese, of your choosing
6-8 split burger buns, toasted

Form the patties: Place the chili sauce through S&P in a bowl and stir to combine. Add the meat. Use your hands to lightly but thoroughly mix the seasonings into the meat. Divide the beef into 6 or 8 even portions, and use your hands to form even, round patties, about 3/4: thick. Use your fingers to press a small indentation into the middle of each patty - this will keep them flat*.
Make the burgers: Place the patties on the grill or under the broiler and cook for 3-4 min. per side, until they are cooked to your liking. During the last min. of cooking, place the cheese over the burgers to melt. Lightly toast buns, if desired. Serve with your fav. condiments and a big ole smile!!!!

"Today is the day. The day you can give stress the cold shoulder and give yourself a break. The day  you can let go of the past and set your sights on the future. The day you can dust off an old dream and follow its gleam., or dream a brand new dream. The day when those dreams can start coming true!"

Have fun and drink lots of water today. Make sure you check on elderly friends. Eat ice cream!!!!



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