
Friday, May 23, 2014

Overnight Caramel French Toast with Fruit

You can make this special breakfast today, and bake it tomorrow morning to begin your long holiday weekend:
(serves 4)

1 stick butter
1 cup packed* brown sugar
1 T. corn syrup
8 slices of 12 grain bread
1&1/2 cups 2%* milk
6 eggs
1 t. vanilla
1/8 t. sea* salt
Powdered sugar
2 bananas sliced into rings for garnish* or sliced strawberries

Melt butter and pour into 9x13" pan. Mix brown sugar and syrup in butter with fork. Lay four slices of bread on syrup mix - covering bottom of pan. Mix milk, eggs, vanilla, and salt until well blended. Pour half of liquid over bread. Place a second layer of bread slices over the first (stacking them evenly. Pour remaining egg mixture over the second layer of bread. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, heat oven to 350, and bake for 60 mins. until custard is set and toast is golden brown. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and top with bananas and/or strawberries. You can also go WILD and add some whipped cream. OMGOSH!!

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound."

Have FUN it's Friday!!!!!



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