
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Bacon-Cheese Pizza Bombs with Warm Marinara Sauce

Consider these savory treats for your game-watching fare today. Go HAWKS!!
(makes 16)

1/2 cup EVOO
1 T. finely chopped fresh rosemary
1 T fresh lemon* thyme leaves, chopped
1/2-1 t. red pepper flakes, plus more for sprinkling
3 cloves garlic, grated
1 T. finely chopped fresh flat-leaf* parsley
Kosher salt
4 slices thick-cut bacon
All-purpose flour, for dusting
2 lbs. pizza dough, divided into 16 2" balls
4 t. tomato paste
16 fresh basil leaves
12 oz. fresh mozzarella, cut into 1/4" cubes
Warm marinara sauce, for serving

Place a pizza stone on the middle oven rack, and preheat to 500. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place it on top of the pizza stone. Warm the olive oil in a small skillet or saucepan over med. heat. Add the rosemary, thyme, red pepper flakes, and garlic. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Stir in the parsley and season with salt. Set aside. Cook the bacon in a med. skillet over med.-low heat, turning occasionally, until crisp, about 10 min. Drain on a paper towel-lined plate, then crumble. Lightly dust a work surface with flour. Flatten each piece of dough and shape into a 3&1/2" round. Spread 1/4 t. tomato paste in the center of each round, leaving a small border around the edge. Tear the basil  into pieces; add to the center of each round, along with about 1 t. crumbled bacon each. Top each with a few cubes of mozzarella. Season with salt and red pepper flakes. Very lightly brush the edge of the dough with water. Bring the edge of the dough toward the center, lightly pleating to form a light enclosure; pinch to seal. Place seam-side down on a sheet of parchment paper. Using a metal skewer dipped in flour, make a hole in the cent of each dough ball to create a steam vent. Remove the hot baking sheet from the oven, then carefully place all the dough balls on it, spacing them 2" apart. Brush them liberally with the herb oil. Transfer the baking sheet to the pizza stone and bake 5 min. Rotate the pan and bake until the dough is golden brown, about 10 more min. Remove from the oven and brush with more herb oil. Serve immediately with warm marinara sauce and the remaining herb oil for dipping.

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food, warmth, the tough of a friendly hand, and for a talk beside the fire; it is the time for home."

Have FUN watching the Seahawks WIN today!!!

Editor's note: the Sweet Orange Curry Chicken was outstanding. Will chop up leftovers, and make more sauce to serve over rice with sugar snap peas for dinner tonight. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!  :)


Machete Milletti

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