
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Roasted Grapes

"Roasting these little sweeties transforms them into something really special!"
(no serving size)

3 cups seedless red grapes, rinsed and dried
2 t. canola or veg.* oil
2 fresh lemon* thyme or rosemary sprigs
1/2 t. sea salt

Toss all ingredients together and roast at 450 on a rimmed* baking sheet just until grape skins start to split, about 15 mins.

Grape Ideas: Plunk on a toasted baguette with cream cheese
                      Scatter over grill chicken with melted gorgonzola
                      Mix in a salad with pistachios

"Accept each day just as it comes to you. Do not waste your time and energy wishing for a different set of circumstances. Instead, trust and obey!!"

And, don't forget to have FUN!



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