
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Homemade Snickers!!

I found this one on pinterest, and here is what the author had to say, "The best part about Homemade Snickers is they are super easy to make. Don't let all those layers scare you. If takes a little bit of patience waiting for them to harden, but seriously SOOOOO worth the wait as they are MOST DELICIOUS."
(no serving size given)

Layer #1
1&1/2 cups milk chocolate chips
1/4 cup peanut butter

Layer #2
1/4 cup unsalted Kerrygold* butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 (7 oz.) jar marshmallow fluff
1/4 cups peanut butter
1/4 cup evaporated milk
1 t. vanilla extract
1 cup salted peanuts, roughly chopped

Layer #3
1 (14 oz.) bag of caramels
1/4 cup whipping cream

Layer #4
1&1/4 cup milk chocolate chips
1/4 cup peanut butter

Line a 9x13" pan with foil and non-stick cooking spray. Start with ingredients for Layer #1. Melt chocolate chips and peanut butter in a microwaveable bowl on 50% power. Cook for 1 min. then then stir. Cook in 30 sec. increments until melted. Pour chocolate mixture into the pan, and spread out evenly. Place in the fridge for 20 mins. to harden. Gather ingredients for Layer #2, then melt butter in a med. sized pan over med. heat. Add in sugar and milk, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to a boil and let cook for 5 mins., stirring occasionally. Then add in marshmallow fluff, peanut butter, and vanilla and stir until smooth. Remove pan form heat and fold in peanuts and then spread in the nougat filling on top of the chocolate later. Allow to cool completely. Gather ingredients for Layer #3 in a small saucepan. Cook caramel and whipping cream over low heat for about 10-15 mins. (or until smooth), stirring occasionally. Pour over nougat layer, and allow to cool completely. For layer #4, melt chocolate chops and peanut butter in a microwaveable bowl on 50% power. Cook for 1 mins. and then stir. Cook in 30 seconds increments until melted. Pour chocolate into the pan and spread out evenly. Place pan in fridge for at least 1-2 hours or until ready to serve. Pop the entire square out onto a clean work surface, slowly feel away the foil, then cut into bars.

"Cheerfulness is the atmosphere in which all things thrive. Spread it around."

Have FUN today!!!!


Machete Milletti

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