
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Eggs Benedict with Meyer Lemon Citronette

Check this out from the paper: "This is adapted from the Egg Shop in New York City. In addition to spinach, you can add sliced avocado, kale, or smoked salmon. If using regular lemons, add a bit more honey."
(serves 2)

4 round T. plain Greek yogurt
2 T. freshly squeezed Meyer lemon juice
1 T. honey
2 pinches kosher* salt
1-2T lukewarm water
4 eggs
2 toasted sour dough* English muffins
4 slices smoked uncured* bacon (with no nitrates or 'trites*)
Cooked chopped spinach
Chopped flat-leaf* parsley

In a small bowl, make the citronette by whisking together the oil, yogurt, lemon juice, honey, and salt. Gradually add the water until it is of a pourable consistency. Poach the eggs. Arrange two muffin halves on each of two plates. Top each with 2 slices of bacon. Add the chopped spinach. Top each with a poached egg. Sprinkle with salt. Drizzle on the citronette and sprinkle with the parsley.

"To love someone is to learn the song in their heart, and sing it to them when they have forgotten it."

Be GRATEFUL for all your Blessings!!



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