
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Torta with Grilled Choirizo, Avocado, and Cilantro Cream

This sammie packs a wallop of DELISH in every bite! Editor's note: I am done traveling for awhile. Tho it has been super fun, it is SO good to be HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(serves 4)

1 T. EVOO, plus more for the grill
1 lb. fresh chorizo or spicy Italian sausage (4 links)
1 t. kosher salt
1/4 t. freshly* ground pepper
Cilantro cream (recipe to follow below)
4 Torta rolls, split
1 oz. crumbled Cotija or Feta cheese,  (1/4 cup)
1 large avocado, skin and pit removed*, halved* and thinly sliced
1 cup shredded red cabbage
1/2 cup thinly sliced radishes

Cilantro Cream Sauce:
1 cup plain yogurt
1/2 cup firmly packed chopped fresh cilantro leaves
1 t. kosher salt
3 T. freshly squeezed* lime juice

Preheat grill to med. Brush the grill grated with oil. Brush the chorizo with oil and sprinkle with the S&P. Grill the chorizo, uncovered, until thoroughly cooked, about 10 min., turning occasionally. Removed from grill and cut in half lengthwise. Mix ingredients for Cilantro cream sauce together in a small bowl. Spread 1&1/2 T. sauce on the cut side of each roll. Place 2 chorizo pieces on the bottom half of each roll. Top with 1 T. of cheese, 3 avocado sliced, 1/4 cup cabbage, and 4-5 radish slices. Cover with the top halves of the rolls and serve.

"God is making all things new."

Have FUN today!!!!


Machete Milletti

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