
Saturday, September 16, 2017

Salted Caramel Apples

Apples and Caramel - it's a match made in heaven!!!
(makes 8)

8 medium apples of your choice (I would use Granny Smith*)
4 11 oz. packages caramel bits
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 t. vanilla extract
Coarse* kosher salt, to taste
8 pop sticks*, wooden* skewers, or chop sticks

Scrub the apples under hot water and dry well. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Melt the caramel bits with the heavy cream in a med. saucepan over med.-low heat, stirring occasionally. Stir in the vanilla and a dash of salt until smooth. Turn the heat as low as possible to keep the caramel liquid, or turn off and on as needed. Stick a stick into the top of each apple. One at a time, dip the apples in the caramel, coating almost all the way to the top and tilting the pan to make it easier (the warmer the caramel, the better). Allow any excess caramel to drip back into the pan for a couple of seconds or scrape the bottom of the apple along the side of the pan to remove the excess. Place the apple on the prepared baking sheet, and quickly sprinkle with salt (there's only a small window of opportunity for the salt to stick!). Repeat with the remaining apples. Refrigerate the apples as soon as they're all coated. They will set up in about 45 min.

"Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy of all."

Don't forget to have some FUN today!!!



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