
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Cold Noodles with Chicken and Peanuts

This one is great to take along to work or school, and it's packed full of flavor.
(serves 4)

1/4 cup water
3 T. smooth* peanut butter or tahini sauce
3 T. peanut oil
3 T. red rice vinegar or red wine vinegar
1 t. granulated sugar (like Sugar in the Raw*)
3 T. light soy sauce or Ponzu Citrus Sauce*
1 T. toasted dark sesame oil
1 lb. fresh egg noodles or 8 oz. package dried Chinese noodles, cooked and chilled 2 hours
1 large cooked chicken breast, or 2 thighs* shredded or diced
1/2 cup chopped roasted peanuts
2 T. toasted sesame seeds
1/4 cup chopped green onions or chives

In a small bowl, thoroughly combine the 1st 7 ingredients. Set aside. Place the chilled noodles on a serving dish and top with chicken, peanuts, sesame seeds, and green onions. Drizzle dressing over the top and serve.

"Note to self: You can't control how other people receive your energy. Anything you do or say gets filtered through whatever they are going through at that moment, which is not about you. Just keep doing your thing with as much integrity and LOVE as possible."

And, don't forget to have some FUN today!!


Machete Milletti

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