
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Parmesan-Thyme Crisps

2 ingredients!!
(makes about 18)

1 cup freshly grated good* Parmesan cheese
2 T. snipped fresh thyme

Preheat oven to 350. Line two or three large baking sheets with parchment paper. Using a 2-3" round cookie cutter as a guide, trace circles 1" apart on the papers. In a bowl stir together cheese and thyme. Divide cheese mixture among traced circles, spreading to edges. Bake 12-14 min. or until golden brown. Cool on baking sheets until firm. Transfer to a wire rack.

It is my 67th birthday today - to the Glory of God. Only He knows where I would be without Him!!

I remain a joyous and rowdy survivor living a wonderful life!!!! And, I have fun everyday.


Chef Machete Milletti

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