
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Snowman Cheeseball

I scored this WAY cute snowman cheese plate (his arms and legs are spreaders), with 4 square plates with a reindeer prancing at Lissa's party Sat. aft. This recipe was on the outside of the box. I AM making this for Christmas!!!
(no serving size, but I would guess 4-6*)

8 oz. softened cream cheese
5 cups powdered sugar
1/2 t. pure* vanilla
1 bag of flaked coconut, some toasted* for the outside of the ball*

Mix sugar and cream cheese in a bowl. Stir in vanilla. Mix in 1/2 cup of coconut. Roll mixture in to a large ball. Sprinkle with remaining toasted coconut. Chill. Serve with fresh fruit and graham crackers.

"Many of us spend hour outdoors, arranging Christmas lights in preparation for the upcoming holiday. Then.....WHOOSH! A big snow spoils it all. The lights don't even show up. We can either take the trouble to shake off the snow from our bushes and trees, or we can enjoy the glow of color through the icy crystals, even though it may hide some of our carefully planned stringing. Most of us don't want to venture back out in the cold - we view the rest of the season that way. The flurry of activities may upset carefully laid plans from time to time, but maybe that's part of the beauty of Christmas - the joyful willingness to gather, to fellowship, to celebrate Christ. Perhaps instead of bemoaning our plans, we should just enjoy the "snow" of a constant celebration, rejoicing because Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given."


Machete Milletti

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