
Monday, December 19, 2016

Beet-Cured Salmon

I saw this in Bon Appetit, and here is their quote: "Make it your thing. Serve this vibrantly hued cured salmon with as assortment of easily assembled herbs, picked red* onions, capers*, seedy breads or crackers, and schmears."
(serves 8)

2 t. black peppercorns
2 t. coriander seeds
2 t. dill seeds
4 allspice berries
4 juniper berries
1 cup kosher salt
1/2 cup Sugar in the Raw*
1 t. finely grated lemon zest
1  2 lb. skin-on, boneless wild-caught* salmon fillet
2 medium beets, trimmed, coarsely grated
1 small bunch dill, chopped
1 1" piece of ginger, peeled, coarsely grated
Lemon wedges*
Special equipment: A spice mill or a mortar and pestle

Toast peppercorns, coriander, dill seeds, allspice and juniper berries in a dry small skillet over med. heat, tossing often, until very fragrant, about 4 min. Let cook, then finely grind in a spice mill or with a mortar and pestle. Transfer to a small bowl and mix in salt, sugar, and lemon zest. Lay salmon, skin side down, on a large sheet of parchment paper set on a large rimmed baking sheet. Pack spice cure on both sides of fish, pressing to adhere. Toss beets, chopped dill, and ginger in a med. bowl to combine; pack onto both sides of fish. Fold sides of parchment over salmon, then wrap tightly in plastic wrap. Set another baking sheet on top of salmon and weight with 3 28 oz. cans or the equivalent in cookbooks or other things you have in your kitchen. Chill 2 days. Unwrap salmon and wipe off all aromatics and cure, (don't rinse). Arrange on a large platter; surround with greens*, and lay lemon wedges* on top of greens. Thinly slice to serve. Note: Salmon can be cures 3 days ahead. Rewrap after wiping off aromatics and cure and chill.

"Love conquers all".

Have FUN and stay dry today in all this rain!!


Machete Milletti

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