
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Chocolate Egg Cream

Not sure why the word "Egg" is in the title - cuz there is not one in this recipe, but DO know that this is an iconic NYC very refreshing beverage!!!
(serves 1)

1/2 cup whole milk
1/4 cup chocolate syrup or chocolate mint*
1/4 cup chilled seltzer
Chilled glass

Stir together milk and syrup in the chilled glass. Stirring vigorously, slowly add the chilled seltzer. Be prepared to SMILE!!

"Five ways to bring more light to your life:
1. Forgive generously
2. Release the past
3. Believe in your wholeness
4. Hang out with people who inspire your heart
5. Imagine the Universe is supporting your brightest dreams. Because it is...."

And, have FUN today!!!


Machete Milletti

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