
Monday, September 7, 2015

Shrimp and Avocado Salad in Endive Spears

Happy Labor Day, Dear Readers!! This one takes only a little labor. I LOVE endive - also great smeared with Boursin spreadable herb cheese.
(makes 64)

4 heads of Belgian Endive (a mixture of colors will make them more visually appealing*)
2 lbs. peeled and deveined med. cooked shrimp
1/4 cup scallions, finely chopped
2 T. freshly squeezed* lime juice
1*-2 small jalapeno chiles, finely chopped (wear gloves* - remove seeds and ribs to lower heat)
2 t. kosher* or Malden* salt
1 ripe* avocado, cut into 1/4" cubes
Bibb or Butter lettuce leaves, for serving
Lime and Lemon wedges, for serving.

Cut shrimp into 1/4" pieces; place in a med. bowl. Stir in scallions, lime juice, jalapenos, and salt. Just before serving, fold avocado cubes into shrimp mixture. Gently pull the leaves from the endive heads. Fill with shrimp mixture. Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving platter, and place endive spears around in a decorative pattern*. Garnish with lemon and lime wedges. Chill.

"Hope. Plan. Dream. DO!!

Have FUN and be Safe today!!!



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