
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

State Fair Fried Cheese Curds

'Case you miss the fair and this "delicacy", here is how to make it at home (then, go see your cardiologist tomorrow - wha wha wha!).
(no serving size given)

2&1/2 cups Bisquick
1/3 cup cornmeal
2 t. kosher* salt
1 t. sugar
Freshly* ground pepper, to taste
12 oz. beer, room temp.*
1 lb. sharp* cheddar, cut into 1/2" cubes
Veg. oil for frying
Ranch dressing, for dipping

Heat oil in deep fryer or deep heavy pot to 375. In a med. bowl, thoroughly combine all dry ingredients. Add beer, 4 oz. at a time (batter will be sticky). Toss cheese cubes in batter until covered. Fry battered cheese curds until golden brown. Drain and blot curbs with a paper towel, and serve warm with ranch dressing on the side. Bon Appetit!!

"Words are the blossoms, action the fruit."

Have FUN today!!!



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