
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Apple Cider Chicken

The epitome of an autumnal foodie offering!
(serves 4)

2 T. Kerrygold* butter
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, about 2 lbs.
Kosher* salt and freshly ground pepper
1/2 sweet onion, chopped
1 Granny Smith apple, cored, cut into 1/4" wedges
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 t. dried thyme leaves or 3* t. fresh*
2 bay leaves
2 T. all-purpose flour
1&1/2 cups apple cider

Heat oil and 1 T. butter in a skillet over med.-high heat. Season chicken with S&P, add to pan and sear until golden, about 4 mins. each side. Remove chicken from pan; set aside. Add remaining butter and onion, apple, garlic, thyme, and bay leaves. Saute until apple begins to get color and onions soften, about 6 mins. Add flour; stir 2-3 mins. Nestle chicken back into pan. Add cider; bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer; cover. Cook until chicken is cooked through, about 12 mins.

"Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try"

Have FUN today!!! Happy birthday, U.B.!



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