
Saturday, March 14, 2015

MM's Stuffed Green Chile, Cipollini Onion, and Sharp Cheddar Burger

I just got a challenge from Greg to come up with some stuffed beef burgers for a spirited competition. Here's the first one (that I am making myself for lunch as I write!!).

1/2-2/3 lb. ground beef (80-20), formed into two patties (indent the middle for even cooking)
1 small Cipollini onion, thinly sliced, sprinkled with kosher salt
1 whole canned mild green chile (remove any seeds)
2 thin slices of sharp cheddar
Garlic pepper
Potato buns, split (and butter and grilled, if desired)
Light mayo.
Yellow mustard, if desired
Ketchup, if desired

Place bottom patty on a plate. Season with garlic pepper and cumin. Top with onions, whole chile (flattened), and the cheese slices. Top with the other patty and, with your fingers, seal both together firmly. Season both sides with the garlic pepper and cumin. Put under the broiler or on the grill and cook until desired doneness is reached, flipping once. Spread bun tops and bottoms with mayo and place burger on top of bottom bun. Top with dill pickle chips, mustard and ketchup, if desired, and place top bun on the burger. Press down lightly with the palm of your hand, and serve with lots of napkins and a confident winning smile!!

"A heart that is focused on others will not be consumed with self."

Have FUN today!!



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