
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Eggnog Monte Cristos

This one is for you, Katie, as a remembrance of our wonderfully DELISH breakfast at the Woodinville Café!!
I DO SO LOVE Monte Cristos.
(makes 12 mini sammies or 6 full size)

1&1/2 T. Dijon mustard
1&1/2 T. light* mayo
9 slices white sandwich bread, or egg* bread
6 slices of muenster or smoked* gouda cheese
6 slices oven or apple wood smoked* deli sliced turkey (I always use "no nitrates or 'trites"*)
6 slices Black Forest* Ham, deli sliced
1/2 cup eggnog
Generous pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
3 T. unsalted butter
Powdered sugar*, for dusting
Cranberry sauce, for dipping

Mix the mustard and mayo. in a small bowl. Lay out 3 slices of bread and brush each with about 1 t. of the mixture. Top each bread slice with 1 slice each of cheese, turkey and ham. Cover with another bread slice, and brush with another about 1 t. of  the mustard/mayo mixture; top each sandwich with another slice each of the cheese, turkey, and ham. Brush the remaining 3 bread slices with the m/m mixture and place, mustard side down, on top of the sandwiches. Trim the crusts off, and then wrap the sandwiches tightly with plastic wrap to keep intact. Refrigerate at least 30 mins. or up to 6 hours. Whisk the eggnog and nutmeg in a shallow bowl. Unwrap the sammies and dip in the eggnog, turning to coat both sides, and let excess drip off. Melt half of the butter in a large nonstick skillet over med. heat. Add the sandwiches and cook until the undersides are golden, 3-4 mins. Add the remaining butter, flip the sandwiches and cook until golden on the other side, about 3 mins. more. Cut into quarters, dust with powdered sugar, and serve with warm cranberry sauce = YUMOLA*!!

"Do not grow old, no matter how long you live." ~ Albert Einstein

Have FUN today!!



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