
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cracker-Thin Pizza with Super Garlicky Tomato Sauce

"To get the dough cracker thin, you have to abandon the rolling pin and tease the dough by hand. It takes some practice, but it's fun. Start with a circle, end with a circle. You will have leftover dough that you can make into breadsticks." Of course you can add any toppings you desire to this.
(serves 6)

1 (1&1/2 lb.) piece fresh pizza dough such as Whole Foods or Trader Joe's
Cooking spray
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 cup lower-sodium marinara sauce - or make your own*
Shaved parmesan*
Fresh basil leaves

Place dough on a lightly floured wood surface; lightly coat with cooking spray, and cover with plastic wrap, making sure no air is getting in. Let stand for 2 hours. You want the dough to be at room temp. when you stretch it; it will likely start to bubble a bit. It should feel a bit loose and flabby. While dough stands, make sauce. heat oil in a med. nonstick skillet over med.-low heat. Ad garlic; cook 30 secs. or until garlic softens but doesn't brown. Add marinara; simmer until slightly thickened (about 6 mins.). Cool to room temp. Place a 15" pizza stone or heavy pizza pan in the oven. Preheat oven to 500 (leave the pan in the oven as it preheats). Place dough on a work surface dusted with flour. (Keep a bit of extra flour on hand.) Dough will be about 8" across. With a pizza cutter, cut an inner circle of dough by cutting away an out ring of dough that's about 2&1/2" wide. This will leave a round of dough that weighs about 8 oz. Sprinkle dough circle with a bit of flour if it's damp, and begin to tease the dough out with your fingers, working it in all directions. It will persist in bouncing back. When it is flat and as wide as a dinner plate, pick it up with your hands close together, and begin working it by holding the edge and rotating along the edge as the circle dangles, like you're quickly turning a steering wheel. As you rotate the dough, holding the edges, it will stretch downward by its own weight. If it's stretching too fast, you can also put the dough over both of your hands and gently stretch and rotate. Watch for areas that are getting too thin - most of the available dough for stretching is at the edges. Continue working the dough until it reaches a diameter of about 12&1/2". Carefully remove hot pizza stone from oven, and place on heat-resistant surface. Carefully transfer dough to the stone (it will begin to cook). Pierce dough all over liberally with a fork. Bake at 500 for 7-8 mins., watching closely. If it is baking too much on one side, rotate the dough. Bake until very brown but not burned, and remove from oven. Spread evenly with sauce and cheese*. Put back into oven just until cheese melts.* Top with basil and serve immediately.

Editor's note: I get to go on an excellent adventure to Lake Chelan in Eastern WA today, and won't be back til Friday. See you then.

"When we teach others, we're not just spending time, we're investing it."

Have FUN today!!!



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