
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Open-faced Aloha Burgers with Island Sauce

This one will bring a Sunny smile to your taste buds:
(makes 4 burgers)

1 9 oz. can pineapple slices in their own juice*
1 lb. ground beef
1/2* t. sea* salt
Dash pepper
4 bottom bun halves or toast slices
4 cherry tomatoes
4 green olives stuffed with blue cheese*
4 long toothpicks

Island Sauce:
1/2 cup ketchup,
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2*-2 t. Worcestershire sauce
A few drops of Liquid Smoke

Drain the pineapple, reserving 2 T. liquid for sauce. Season meat with S&P. Press a scant T. of meat into center of each pineapple slice, overlapping meat on both sides of slice so meat won't fall out while cooking. Shape remaining meat into 4 patties, slightly larger in diameter than the pineapple; broil or grill 12-15 mins., turning once. Broil meat-filled pineapple slices, turning carefully and brushing with Island Sauce till meat is done and pineapple glazed. To assemble, place each burger atop a bun half or slice of toast. Top with pineapple burger. Peg with a kabob of a cherry tomato and a green olive.

To make Island Sauce: Mix together all ingredients in a small saucepan; heat to boiling.

This is from the Better Homes and Gardens Barbeques and Picnics (published in 1963 - when they still included Monosodium Glutamate in their recipes!!). As always, the asterisks denote my changes or suggestions).

Bon Appetit!!

"Work while we can, save what we can, share what we can, and trust God to meet our needs."

Walk around with a smile on your face today!!



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