
Friday, May 31, 2013

Sweet Clafoutis AND Savory Clafoutis

A couple of French ideas - Ooh, La La:

Sweet Clafoutis:
(6 servings)

4 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
Pinch of sea* salt
Scant 1/2 cup ground almonds (you can substitute hazelnuts or pistachios)
2 T. all-purpose flour
7 T. creme fraiche (or substitute 7 T. heavy cream mixed with 2 T. lemon juice)
7 T. 2%* milk
12 cherries, pitted or any soft fruit or berries (or chocolate chunks)

Preheat the over to 350, and butter and flour a 7&1/2"x4" baking dish or pan (for individual servings, butter and flour 6-8 ramekins). Whisk the eggs with the sugar and salt until pale yellow and thick. Sift and fold in the ground almonds and flour, then stir in the creme fraiche and milk. Spread cherries evenly across the prepared dish. Pour the batter over the cherries and bake for 30-40 mins. (15-20 mins. for ramekins), or until golden brown. Serve warm or cold.

Savory Clafoutis:
(6 servings)

Make as the sweet clatoutis but omit the sugar, replacing the cherries with 3&1/2 oz, mature cheese (e.g. Grueye, Comte, cheddar, or goat's cheese), chopped into large cubes; 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes; and 1/3 cup sliced black olives. You can also could flavor the batter with chopped herbs, such as basil, parsley or thyme, and use leftover roasted veggies as an alternative to the cheese and toms.

"Keep sound wisdom and discretion". Have FUN - it's Friday!!!!



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