
Monday, March 26, 2012

Steamed Asparagus with a Ginger Lemon Dressing

Good morning!! I LOVE "pencil thin" asparagus, and Peg, we know you Love Ginger. Here's a combo:

3 lbs. (or the quantity you need, and adjust the following measurements accordingly)
1 T. finely grated ginger root (do NOT use powder - makes ALL the difference!!)
1/3 c. (or more for me) freshly squeezed lemon juice - Meyer lemon, if you can find one
2/3 c. canola oil or EVOO
1 T. sesame oil
1 t. (I would use less) freshly grated sea salt
1/4 t. freshly grated white pepper
a palmful of toasted black or white sesame seeds (in a dry, pretty hot pan - watch carefully)
a shake of Chinese 5 spice powder (if that appeals)

Snap off tough ends of asparagus, and steam til just tender and bright green. Remove, and keep warm. Place ginger and lemon juice in a bowl. Slowly, in a thin stream, add oil whisking vigorously. As soon as the mixture begins to emulsify, add the oil more quickly. Fold in the semame oil, S&P. Pour over asparagus on a pretty serving plate, and sprinkle toasted sesame seeds over all. Add just a bit of the Chinese 5 powder spice, if desired.

Yumola. I am going to add this to my Easter Feast!!!



1 comment:

  1. You're right I love ginger AND asparagus! I'll have to give this a try. We get wonderful baby asparagus from Thailand.
