
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Pumpkin Coconut Squares

Saw this in the Seattle Times today. Here is their quote, " Here's a scrumptious treat for Halloween. It happens to be too delicate to give away to trick-or-treaters, but it's just right for you and your family and friends at a Halloween party or dinner!" Editor's note: whenever you see an asterisk*, it denotes changes or suggestions I have made. If the initials MM proceed the title, it is a recipe that I have made up.
(makes 36 squares)

1 15 oz. can pumpkin puree (not pie filling)
6 T. unsalted Kerrygold* butter, divided, plus extra for buttering the pan
1&1/2 cups finely ground gingersnap crumbs from about 35 2" cookies
2 large eggs
3/4 cup well-stirred unsweetened coconut milk (stir in the coconut cream at the top of the tin
    down into the rest of the milt to incorporate before measuring)
2/3 cup packed dark brown sugar
1&3/4 t. ground cinnamon, divided
1&3/4 t. vanilla extract, divided
1/2 t. ground ginger
1/4 t. sea* salt
6 oz. cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup plus 2 T. toasted sweetened coconut flakes

Cut out a square of cheesecloth large enough to wrap around the puree with about a 4" border on all sides. Spoon the puree into the cheesecloth, tie the ends of the cheesecloth together to form a bag and thread a chopstick, skewer, or dinner knife through the opening at the top. Place the chopstick over the top of a deep bowl and let the bag hang over the bowl. Chill for at least 8 hours or overnight. After the draining period, squeeze the cheesecloth gently to extract even more water, discard all the liquid at the bottom of the bowl and set the puree aside. Preheat oven to 375. Butter a 9x9x2" baking pan. Melt 1&1/2 T. of the butter. In a med. bowl, stir together the gingersnap crumbs and the melted butter and pat the crumbs evenly into the boom of the pan. Bake on the middle rack until the crumbs begin to darken, 6-8 min. Remove from oven. Meanwhile, in the same bowl you mixed the crumb mixture, whisk the eggs until the are beaten lightly, add the coconut milk, brown sugar, 1 t. of the cinnamon, 1 t. of the vanilla, ginger, and salt, and whisk until smooth. Stir in the drained pumpkin puree and spread evenly over the crumbs. Bake on the middle rack until the center has set, about 25 min. Remove and let cool completely on a wire rack. In a med. bowl combine the cream cheese, the remaining butter, powdered sugar, remaining cinnamon, and vanilla; beat until very smooth. Spread the mixture evenly over the top of the cooled pumpkin filling and sprinkle the coconut on top of the cream cheese frosting, pressing it down lightly. Chill until firm, about 2 hours. Cut into 36 squares and serve.

"Interruptions can be opportunities to serve".



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