
Friday, May 22, 2015

Brined Corn on the Cob

Another grill treat. An hour of brining keeps the corn extra-juicy and extra-sweet!!
(serves 8)

1/4 cup Sugar in the Raw*
1/4 cup sea* salt
2 T. plus additional Old Bay seasoning
8 ears of corn, shucked and silk removed
Softened Kerrygold* butter
Lemon wedges

In a large pot, combine 3 qts. water with sugar, salt, and Old Bay; stir until dissolved. Add corn. Place a heavy plate or pan on top to keep corn submerged. Soak at room temp. at least 1 hour. Meanwhile, prepare the grill for direct-heat cooking. Drain corn; pat dry. Place corn over direct heat. Cover; grill corn, turning occasionally, until lightly browned and tender, 8 mins. Serve with butter, lemon, additional Old Bay, and plenty of napkins!!

"Never lose your sense of wonder."

Happy Friday and have a Blast today - for "This is the day the Lord hath made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it."



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