
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Japanese Onion Salad

This one is for our dear friend, Leslie who is in Japan right now visiting her grandson for the first time!
(serves 4)

1 lb. sweet* onions
2 t. coarse* kosher* salt
1/4 cup white sesame seeds
1/4 cup low sodium* soy sauce (I would use Ponzu Citrus sauce*)
1/4 cup unseasoned* rice-wine vinegar

Peel the onions, then halve them from stem to blossom end. Continuing to slice from top to bottom, cut each half into thin wedges. Place wedges in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, and cover with ice water. Soak for 30 mins. Drain, rinse, and pat dry with paper towels. Rinse and dry the bowl, and return onions to bowl. Toast sesame seeds in a dry skillet until they begin to jump in the pan. Transfer to a mortar and crush them. Place seeds into a small bowl and add soy sauce and vinegar - whisking to blend. Pour over onion and mix gently. Let them soak to absorb the flavors for at least 15 mins. At serving time spoon onions and dressing into 4 small bowls. Serve with rice, grains, or fish. "While it in not a very Japanese combination, this salad tastes GREAT with hamburgers."

"Use your gifts to exercise care for others."



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