
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Palm's Brown Butter Brussels Sprouts

Dear Readers, I realize I am giving you a lot of veg. and "sides" recipes, but I am prepping you for T-day!!
(serves 6)

1&1/2 lbs. Brussels sprouts
4 T. sliced shallots
Kosher salt
Freshly ground pepper
4 T. salted Kerrygold* butter
4 t. lemon zest

Blanch Brussels sprouts whole in boiling salted water until al dente, 4-5 mins. or until tender. Remove and shock in an ice-water bath to retain green color. Drain well. Remove stem and slice in half or cut in quarters if the sprouts are large. Drain again if necessary and hold chilled until needed. Heat a sauté pan over med. heat and add oil. Add sprouts and cook until heated all the way through, about 3 mins. Add shallots and cook 2 mins. or until shallots are translucent and sprouts begin to brown and char. Season with S&P. Push sprouts mixture to one side of pan and add butter to pan. Cook 1 mins. or until butter begins to brown. Toss sprouts mixture with browned butter. Remove pan from heat and add 1 t. of lemon zest. Toss and check seasoning. Garnish with remaining lemon zest. Serve immediately.

"The big lesson in life, Baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything." ~ Frank Sinatra



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