
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sauerkraut Dinner

I found this in the Favorite Foods of Crest View (where I used to teach Elem. P.E. in Boulder, CO). It is written by my friend, and fellow teacher, Patricia Ziemkowski. Thanks, Pat!!
(she didn't say how many it serves, but obviously can be expanded)

1 lb. package small pork sausages (you can use chicken* or turkey*)
3-5* T. brown sugar (depending on taste)
2 T. cider* vinegar
1/2 t. Kosher* salt
1/2 t. freshly* ground pepper
1 16 oz. can sauerkraut, drained, and rinsed* (if you wish*)
2 cups sliced apples (I would use Granny Smith*)

Cook sausage. Remove and drain, reserving 4 T. drippings. Add brown sugar, vinegar, and S&P. Heat through. In a shallow baking dish, arrange sausages, sauerkraut, and apples in layers and pour liquid over all. Bake 30 mins. at 350-375 or until done. Pork chops can be substituted for sausages.

"To Preserve Children"
1 large grassy field
1/2 dozen children
2-3 small dogs
1 pinch of brook and some pebbles.

Mix children and dogs well together. Put them in the field, stirring constantly. Pour this brook over the pebbles; sprinkle with flowers. Spread over all a deep blue sky and bake in hot sunshine. When brown, remove, and set to cool in bathtub. Wha wha wha

I got to witness a gorgeous sunrise this morning, PTL!



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