
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ganache Frosted Walnut Brownie Bites

And, finally, the piece de resistance to this great day of munching:
(makes 32)

2 cups (12 oz.) milk* chocolate chips (use Ghiradelli*, if you can find them)
1 cup butter, cubed
1&1/3 cups sugar
4 eggs
2 t. vanilla
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup chopped walnuts
2 cups (12 oz. white* chocolate chips)
3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
Toasted coconut shreds*, if desired

In a microwave, melt chocolate chips and butter; whisk until smooth. Cool slightly. In a large bowl, beat sugar and eggs. Stir in vanilla and chocolate mixture. Gradually add flour; stir in walnuts. Fill miniature muffin cups with paper liners, and spoon in mixture til almost full. Bake at 350 for 20-23 mins. or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool for 5 mins. before removing from the pans to wire racks to cool completely. Place white chocolate chips in a small bowl. In a small saucepan, bring cream just to a boil. Pour over chocolate; whisk until smooth. Cool for 30 mins. or until ganache reaches a spreading consistency, stirring occasionally. Spread over Brownies, sprinkle on toasted coconut shreds (if you like), and serve with a big ol' SMILE!!

Enjoy the Superbowl!!!!!!!!!!



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