
Friday, October 5, 2012

German-Style Fried Potatoes

Who doesn't like fried potatoes? Oktoberfest #5:

4 lbs. med. size red skin potatoes
4 & 1/2 T. EVOO
3 T. malt vinegar
1 T. Dijon mustard
6 T. rendered bacon fat or Crisco
Coarse sea salt
Freshly ground pepper
6 T. lager beer, divided
2 & 1/2 cups finely chopped red onion, divided
1/3 cup chopped fresh garlic chives*

Cook potatoes in large pot of salted boiling water until just tender when pierced with a sharp knife, about 25 mins. Drain. Refrigerate overnight. Cut potatoes into 1/2" cubes (do not peel). Whisk oil, vinegar and mustard in a small bowl to blend for the vinaigrette. Heat 3 T. bacon fat or Crisco in each of two large nonstick skillets over med.-high heat. Add 1/2 potatoes to each, and season with salt. Saute until potatoes begin to brown, stirring frequently, about 7 mins. Add 3 T. beer and 1 & 1/4 cups red onion to potatoes in each skillet; cook until beer evaporates, stirring occasionally about 1 min. Reduce heat to med. and saute until potatoes are brown around the edges, about 5 mins. Pour 1/2 vinaigrette over potatoes in each skillet, and toss to coat. Remove from heat. Season with S&P. Transfer all potatoes to large bowl and sprinkle with chives.

"If you keep answering the door and your dreams never leap, you're answering the door for the wrong people."

Happy Friday, and have FUN today!!!!



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