
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tomato Sandwich

I have discovered that this simple sammie is one of the pure JOYS of Summer!! Editor's note: to any new readers, WELCOME!! When you see that I have used an asterisk* in a recipe, that denotes either changes I have made, would make, or suggestions for you. Again, a recipe is just a guideline. YOU get to choose which ingredients to leave in, out, or change to suit your liking!!
(serves 1)

2 slices of your fav. bread, not toasted*
GOOD mayonanaise of your choice
Firm, but ripe tomato (I like vine ripened* for this, but Campari's* work well, too)
Coarse* kosher* salt or flaky* sea* salt, such as Maldon*
Freshly* ground black pepper, if desired (FYI: white pepper contains Gluten)

Slather mayo. generously on one side of each slice of bread. Cut the tomato into thick slices. Place tomato slices on mayo. on one slice of bread. Lay other slice of bread. Add S&P, if desired*. Press sammie together lightly with the palm of your hand. Take your first bite, and SAVOR the goodness!!!

"What is the purpose of life? After much consideration, I believe that the purpose of life is to find happiness."
     ~ The 14th Dalai Lama - from The Book of Joy

Don't forget to have some FUN today!!!


Chef Deb (aka Machete Milletti)

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