
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Tuna Cucumber Potato Salad with Sorrel Viniagrette

Here is another flavor-packed salad for this warm day! Sorrel (a tangy lemon flavored green) is one of my favorites out on my balcony farm. If you can't find it, use baby spinach (stems removed, please), and add a little lemon. Welcome to new readers! Just wanted to 'splain that when I make a change or suggestion that deviates from the original recipe, I denote it with an asterisk*. And, if is my recipe, it is preceded by my initials, "MM's" (my Chef name is Machete Milletti).
(serves 6)

Sorrel Vinaigrette:
1/2 sweet onion, thinly sliced (1 cup)
1/2 hothouse or Persian* cucumber, peeled and cut into 3/4" pieces
2 cups packed sorrel leaves, stems removed*
1/4 cup canola oil
2 T. crème fraiche
Kosher salt

1 lb. small Yukon potatoes
Kosher salt and freshly* ground pepper
1 hothouse or 2 Persian* cucumber(s) - (about 1 lb.), thinly sliced crosswise
8 oz. arugula, thick stems discarded
8 oz. best-quality wild caught* tuna packed in olive oil, drained and flaked into large pieces
Lemon crowns*, for garnish

Make the vinaigrette: In a small nonstick skillet, heat 1 T. of the olive oil. Add the onion and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until very soft but not browned, about 12 mins. Scrape into a blender and let cool. To the blender, add the cucumber and sorrel and puree until smooth. With the machine on, drizzle in the remaining 1/4 cup olive oil and the canola oil. Strain the vinaigrette into a small bowl, pressing on the solids. Whisk in the crème fraiche, and season with S&P. Cover and refrigerate til ready to use, or overnight.

Make the salad: In a medium saucepan, cover the potatoes with 2" of water and season with salt. Bring to a simmer an cook until tender, about 30 mins. Drain and let cool slightly. Thinly slice the potatoes and transfer to a medium bowl. toss with the olive oil and season with salt. In another bowl, combine the sliced cucumber and arugula with 3/4 cup of the vinaigrette and season with S&P; toss to coat. Mound the salad on plates and top with the potatoes and tuna. Garnish with pepper and serve the remaining vinaigrette on the side. Garnish plates with lemon crowns.

"Prayer is simply an honest conversation with God."


Machete Milletti

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