
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Honey Baked Peaches

(serves 4)

4 ripe peaches, halved and pits removed
3 T. honey
2 t. fresh lemon juice
2 t. fresh minced ginger
Lemon* mint
Small raspberries
Powdered sugar
Honey Greek yogurt or whipped cream

Preheat oven to 400. Arrange peaches, cut side up, in a baking dish. Drizzle with honey and lemon juice; sprinkle with ginger. Bake until peaches are tender, 20-30 mins. Serve warm with raspberries, a sprig of mint, dusting of powdered sugar, and a dollop of yogurt or whipped cream.

Editor's tip (to preserve the bounty of your herb harvest): Choose firm, fresh herbs such as rosemary, sage, thyme and oregano. Chop fine or leave in larger sprigs. Pack ice cube trays about 2/3 full of herbs, then cover in EVOO or melted butter*. Cover lightly with plastic wrap and freeze overnight. Remove cubes and store in containers or small bags. Heat a cube in your pan to start your next recipe. Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy!!

"Life is not defined by what you have, even when you have a lot." Have FUN today!!!!



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