
Friday, June 7, 2013

Stadium Hot Dogs

My, Oh, MY!! Easy Peasy:
(serves 4)

4 beef hot dogs with no 'trites or 'traits*
2 T. butter
1 large sweet onion, thinly sliced
1 T. brown sugar
2 T. yellow mustard
4 soft hot dog buns

Prepare hot dogs on the grill, under the broiler, boil 'em, or cook them over your campfire*.
Keep warm. Melt butter in a medium skillet over med.-high heat. Add onion; cook and stir until onions are browned and softened, about 6-8 mins. Stir in brown sugar; cook and stir 2 mins. longer. Fill buns with hot dogs, top with onions, and mustard. Serve IMMEDIATELY with a smile, MM's Baked Beans, and Lays Potato Chips. PLAY BALL!!

"Be true, be kind, be brave."

Have FUN on this Friday!!!!!



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