
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Prosciutto-Wrapped Chicken with Goat Cheese Pesto (Haggens)

Editor's note: I WANT THIS RIGHT NOW, don't you?? REMEMBER, read the recipe all the way through before you embark on any culinary adventure!!
(no serving size given)

8 oz. Montchevre goat cheese (or any goat cheese you like*)
2 T. pesto
4 boneless chicken breasts (or boneless chicken thighs*)
Sundried tomatoes (I would use grilled/marinated artichoke hearts*)
Basil leaves (I would use lemon basil*), plus more cut julienne* for serving*
6 slices prosciutto

Preheat oven to 3745. In a med. bowl combine the goat cheese with the pesto. Using a small SHARP* knife, cut each chicken part into 2-3 even pieces. Cut a slit in the middle of each chicken piece, moving knife back and forth in slit to form a pocket. Divide cheese mixture among chicken pockets and stuff into slits cut into chicken. place strips of tomatoes and a basil leaf on top of the cheese. Cut prosciutto into 1" strips. Wrap the chicken piece with prosciutto and press to seal the cheese inside. Heat olive oil in an oven proof skillet to med. high. Sear chicken on each side for about 2-3 min., until crispy. Place skillet in oven and bake for 10-12 min.

"Through the Son we can enjoy life in God's kingdom".

Don't forget to have some FUN today. I KNOW I will!!


Machete Milletti

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