
Saturday, July 7, 2018

2-Ingredient Banana Pancakes (the kitchn)

Editor's note: to any new readers: WELCOME! Please let me 'splain the premise of my blog: I am a Personal chef and dedicated Foodie. I grow most of the herbs I use use in my culinary creations on my balcony farm! I use low sodium, non-processed (if poss.), and uncured products (most of the time) in my recipes (the title will be proceeded by MM's - my chef name is Machete Milletti), and the recipes I offer for your perusal and suggestion are ones that caught my eye and "floated my boat"! My passions are FOOD, and Music, and Farming. If you see an asterisk following an ingredient or process, it is my suggestion, or what I would change to enhance your creation. There are no rules in cooking (only in baking as it is chemistry). If you don't like an ingredient - leave it out. Substitute what YOU like!!! And, you MUST pay attention when you are cooking (IE: do not put the pan on high, and go out to play - 

K, now to the banana pancakes - 
(makes  8 small pancakes; recipe is easily doubled)

1 medium ripe banana
2 large eggs

Optional extras -choose a few!):
1/8 t. baking powder, for fluffier pancakes
1/8 t. salt 
1/4 t. vanilla
1 T. cocao poser
1 T. honey
1/2 cup chopped nuts (I like walnuts* for this*), chocolate or caramel* chips, or a mix
1/2 cup leftover granola
1 cup fresh fruit like blueberries, raspberries, or chopped apples (I like honeycrisp* and Granny Smith*)
Kerrygold* butter, or oil, for the pan
Maple syrup, jam, powdered sugar, or any other toppings, to serve
Toasted shredded coconut*

Small mixing bowls
Dinner fork
Cast iron or nonstick griddle or skillet
Very thin, wide spatula, like a pancake spatula or fish spatula

Mash the banana: Peel the banana and break it up into several big chunks in a bowl. Use a dinner fork to thoroughly mash the banana. Continue mashing until the banana has a pudding consistency and no large lumps remain; a few small lumps are OK. You should have 1/2-1/2 cup of mashed bananas. Add any extra ingredients: These pancakes are pretty great on their own, but a few extras never hurt. Add 1/8 t. of baking powder for fluffier, lighter pancakes, and whisk in salt, vanilla, cocoa powder, or honey to flavor the pancakes. Save any chunky, heavy ingredients - like nuts or chocolate chips - for when the pancakes are on the griddle. Stir in the eggs: whisk the eggs together until the yolks and whites are completely combined. Pour the eggs over the banana and stir until the eggs are completely combined. The batter will be very loose and liquidy, more like whisked eggs than regular batter. Heat a griddle over med. heat. Melt a little butter or warm a little veg. oil in the pan to prevent sticking if you like. Place a circle of banana mixture on griddle (any size or shape you want*) and do not touch til you see bubbles form on top*. Carefully lift up an edge, if it is the color you like, flip over*. Do not panic if the first pancake isn't the way you like pancakes*. Usually it isn't, but you WILL get the hang of it*!! Serve with any topping or syrup you like. Be prepared for accolades from your adoring fans*!!!

"In God we trust".

Don't forget to have some FUN today!!!


MM (Machete Milletti AKA Chef Deb)

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